To remove data from the performance of a site can not be easy. To be considered variables are several, and, to complejizar plus the situation, it is made inexcusable contemplate the performance of our competitors. This way, and watching external datum points, we will only know if ours website has reached the ceiling of its traffic, or if we will be able to hope reasonably that the visits continue being increased. An analysis of the CATHEDRAL ranking of our page will offer valuable information us to have knowledge for sure if our efforts of positioning are adapted. There am a series of tools here online that allow us to realise to a virtual x-ray of our page.
The analyses of Alexa are based on the data collection that, who install the bar of Alexa, allows that they are realised on his conduct online. Clarified east point, we will be able to collect that the data found in this page are approaches to real numbers, and is as well as we will have to take it. The interesting thing of Alexa is that the Reach of the page says to us, that is to say, if we have arrived at more or less people whom at previous times, it shows to the key words similar by which they arrive, and sites to us (our direct competition) Free Monitor For Google. It is the small software that it will give us, according to the entered key words, the positioning of our Web site in Google. It does not show the variations that it would simply have to enter Google and to look for our ranking. It remembers that the SERPS (pages of results) are influenced by the personal tastes and the sites that we have visited lately.
With this Monitor it will have his positioning, of impartial way. It is possible to be unloaded from Google Analytics. Interpreted well, they will say everything to us what we required to know of our page. The amount of information is enormous that can remove from here: not only average visits, times, etc., but clickstream, that is to say, crossed of the users. Not only that, but the application takes a slide from ours home or main and it shows links to us with more activity. . It offers of gratuitous way a report us, with a puntaje, of x/100 that indicates the best or worse performance of our page; the low puntajes are for improving, highest indicate that it is little what can be made to optimize the site. It presents/displays very interesting functions, like measuring retweets of our posteos, and to offer a suggestion about the average profile of our readers (for example, ideal page for graduated university) these tools we do not try to replace the services CATHEDRAL of a marketing agency online, but we will be able to have a quite approximate idea exceeds how much it is to do in reference to the optimization of our page. If it has liked this post and wants to place it in its site, can do it without disadvantages, as long as it mentions like source to
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