But the greatest danger lies in the fact that an increase of business will at once, and tax cuts in favor of the same IMF, will be implemented gradually until 2015. This approach is unscientific and harmful to the economy, and virtually eliminates all the positive aspects of adoption of the Code. In the event of 2011 will apply the VAT rate to 16% and profit – 16%, then such a code will promote economic development and greatly smooth out the problems of the same uproschentsev. Otherwise, we can get a rise in unemployment and prices. Social discontent is still heated and the fact that Goskomstat data will show a significant increase in income (due to their partial detenizatsii), with their real sokraschenii.V general VAT reduction from 20% to 16%, can also be attributed to the positive approach, although such a slight decrease, in my opinion, is unimportant and will not lead to revolutionary changes in the economy, because it is the VAT is the biggest obstacle to the development and implementation of internal market structural changes in the economy. Government's arguments that the VAT – the main filling of the budget are not convincing, as the main revenue from VAT – this is revenue from import, customs clearance paid in goods, namely a negative trade balance leads to what VAT fills the budget. Do I need to take such a code? In my opinion – you need to, because it's still a step forward to restore order in the country. . British Petroleum oftentimes addresses this issue.
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