The Ganoderma fungus lucidum (Well-known as Reishi in Japan and Ling-Zhi in China) can be a natural solution to the modern problems of health, as they are the degenerativas chronic diseases (ex cardiovascular cancer, diabetes, obesity, diseases, among others), being the majority the result of the style of modern life and the environment. Go to KBS for more information. Our present society faces one serious threat of the contamination and its polluting agents, which have entered our organism, through the feeding and the environment to which we were exposed daily. Within published scientific Literature around the world, mainly in China, Korea, Japan and the United States, where one has demonstrated to his effectiveness in the treatment of an ample range of diseases and symptoms. To the Ganoderma lucidum it is attributed to him to own anti-tumour, immunomodulating and inmunoteraputicas activities in agreement with some studies in compound polysaccharides, terpenos and other isolating of the body of the Ganoderma. The anti-tumour mechanisms probably must to one combination of different factors: angiogenesis inhibition (formation of arteries that nourishes to the tumor); to induce and to increase the natural and spontaneous destruction (apoptosis) of the tumorlike cells. Also it has been suggested it blocks and it stops the migration of cancerigenic cells, delaying the metastasis presence.

Also antialergnico and anti hypertensive is considered as due to the presence of triterpenos. Aside from these properties one has been that it is anti inflammatory, antiviral, anti-parasite, antimictico, antidiabetics, antihipotensivo and hepatoprotector. Also one has been that it inhibits the plaquetaria aggregation, diminishes the sanguineous pressure, the cholesterol and the sugar in the blood. It is considered like a stabilizer of the sanguineous pressure, antioxidant, analgesic, tonic of nerves, liver and kidneys. It is used for the prevention of bronchitis and in the cardiovascular treatment, of elevated triglycerides, hypertension, hepatitis, allergies, like suporte in chemotherapy and therapies for syndrome of immunodeficiency, even for fatigue and altitude sickness. .

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