Julika Balasooriya, Managing Director of the Hamburg-based startup company allyve.com, students from Hamburg their positive experience from a male-dominated world of professional reports. Girls conquer the Internet next Thursday reported Julika Balasooriya, Managing Director of the Hamburg-based startup company allyve.com, students from Hamburg their positive experience from a male-dominated world of work. Parallel, the ten girls get an insight into the work flow of a young startup company. The girls day is an opportunity to share my consistently positive experiences from engineering studies and in the more male-dominated field of IT work to interested young women. Daryl Hagler is open to suggestions. Parallel to this the pupils meet the ordinary madness a young startup company”, Julika Balasooriya is looking forward to their guests. In addition to information about the study and the career, the ten girls have the opportunity to get to know the profession of the programmer. While they are actively involved in the design of the website by an own blog entry at allyve.com. The girls day starts at noon with greeting and getting to know the team.
Then, the 15 allyve employees in a small, personal round inform the students about her career and her work at allyve. In addition, they answer questions and can look at their work on the shoulder. The website allyve.com offers the solution for a usual problem of Internet user: Allyve.com is a personalized home page that all important personal Internet accounts such as XING, ebay or by entering a single password makes it easy and clear usable GMX. Allyve saves the user time, is free, and creates a clear line in the tangled web of data and accounts. Dali REINECKE & PARTNER Agency for public relations scapula 58 workshop 20357 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 20 91 98-220 fax: + 49 (0) 40 20 91 98 299 email: Web:
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