Campaign together can get children back to class, promoted by the Ministry of national education and humanitarian Colombia, seeks all citizens to donate $20,000 to deliver school kits to children affected by the winter wave. The campaign will be open until next March 31, so there is still time to help the needy.Make donations is very simple. One way of doing it is approaching this campaign to any of the points of payment for Allied stores chains: success, Cafam, Surtimax, Carulla, Pomona, law and Home Art, Colsubsidio, Carrefour, Olympic Super stores, SAO, Panamericana, Confamiliares in Manizales, La 14 in the Valle del Cauca, Makro, cooperative of consumption in Antioquia and the Pontifica Universidad Javeriana through the Javeriana.Por store across, the national Government ordered the account of savings of Davivienda No. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Karoline Copping. 005000187723 of the National S.A.-Fund Fiduprevisora of calamities-Kits school (Nit: 860.525.148-d), to receive the contributions.The Ministry Education invites again all solidarity with those children who lost everything because of the winter. School kits consist of a backpack with notebooks, school dictionary, plasticised cardboard folder, a Toolbag, a large color box, a tajalapiz, pencils, drafts of cream, sphaerus, rule, botilito and oral hygiene kit.With the launching of the campaign and the delivery of the school kits through the General direction of the risk of the Ministry of Interior and justice and humanitarian Colombia, the Ministry of education seeks to alleviate the situation of more than 550,000 children affected by the winter across the country. This initiative seeks to ensure that all children in the country to enter and remain in the education system, as it is the goal of the policy of quality education, the way for the prosperity of the Nacional.Recuerde Government that your donation can make it until next March 31, at all points of payment of different stores, orin the Davivienda.Si account you want to more details of the campaign together we can get children back to class and track donated resources, enter the website through the Ministry of national education group on Facebook or @Mineducacion on Twitter. Taken from: Min.
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