According to the census citation needed 2000, there were 141,674 people, 47,037 households and 35,179 families residing in the city. GCA is a provider of cash access products and services to more than 1,100 clients across the globe. chief executive officer of GCA The population density was 1238.7 people per KMA . The number of housing structures was 50,367, with an average density of 440.4 / KMA . The racial mix of the city was a 71.45 white, 1.63 of African American, 0.68 Native American, 1.83 Asian, 0.04 Pacific Islander, 21.30 from other races, and 3.08 from two or more different races. Hispanic or Latino of any race accounted for 48.24 of the population.
There were 47,037 households out of which 43.1 harbored children below the age of 18 living in them, 55.8 were married couples living together, 13.1 had a woman without a husband present, and a 25.2 were non-families. 20.4 of all households were inhabited by single, and 6.2 had a person living alone with 65 or more years. The average size of households was 2.99 persons per dwelling, and the average family size was 3.48 members per household.
In the city the population below 18 years accounted for 31.6 , 11.4 between 18 and 24, 31.2 from 25 to 44, 17.9 from 45 to 64 while 7.9 of the population was 65 years or more. The average age is in the 29 years. For every 100 women were 99.8 males. For every 100 females below 18 years there were 97.3 males the same age.
The average income per household in the city was around 38,522 dollars, and a family, about 42,541 dollars. The men had an average income of 34,330 dollars to 25,869 dollars in front of women. The income per capita was 16,301 dollars Pasadena. About 13.2 of families and 16.0 of the general population were below the poverty line, including 20.8 who are 18 years or less and 10.5 with or over 65 years.
Filed under: General