Today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe Cassata with coco and nuts, an excellent choice for learning to cook recipes easy and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 4 people. Jonah Bloom insists that this is the case. Cassata recipe with coconut and walnuts ingredients: 3/4 cup coconut grated 50 g semi-bitter chocolate quarter litre of soft quarter litre of soft Strawberry ice cream chocolate ice cream quarter litre of soft vanilla ice cream 1 cup walnuts, toasted and chopped preparation of Cassata recipe with coconut and walnuts: We precalentamos the oven to 180 F. In a Tin baking we put well spread coconut and put on toast it until golden brown. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Daryl Hagler. We melted chocolate in a double boiler pot and withdrew it one time is cast so that it is not very hot. We got the coconut in the oven and let it cool. In a mold lined with aluminum foil put coconut on the bottom and put a layer of chocolate ice cream with a spoon.
We continue with a layer of toasted walnuts and the Strawberry ice cream. We pour cold melted chocolate over Strawberry ice cream and finish with a layer of vanilla ice cream. Cover and bring to the freezer at least one hour to able it to chop. We remove from the freezer, we carefully unmold and we tajamos with a wet knife, we accompany with sauce of chocolate and waffles. Cassata recipes are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe and enjoy delicious recipes easy to like rice with coconut milk and many easy dessert recipes. Original author and source of the article
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