An activity that is gathering increasing momentum worldwide is rafting. Not only the lovers of tourism adventure found in this sport an extremely enjoyable activity, but rather used as a tool to develop job skills in team. This is why there are increasingly more companies that organize excursions where employees must descend in a pneumatic gomon by stormy rivers, aiming to learn cooperation and teamwork always lead to fruition. Mendoza offers a host of locations where to practice rafting, since most of its rivers are born in the cordillera de los Andes, by what is often quite plentiful and traversing steep slopes along its route. Therefore, it is possible to go rafting in Mendoza in the atuel River, Tunuyan, Grande or Mendoza rivers. The only condition to practice rafting is to respect safety regulations that the guide will teach and know how to swim. The Atuel river rises at about 3500 m of height. In the language mapudungun, spoken language by the old mapuches, this word means lament.
There are an infinite number of leveling dikes of the flow along the path of this river. The first which is in its upper stretch is the Rincon del Indio. In its middle section this black Burnout, as well also over 540 km of canals and 850 km of networks collectors seeking to regulate its flow and control floods, like thus also offer irrigation for different zones. Rafting is an ideal setting for beginners with a difficulty level of I and II, in the valle Grande, in the Department of San Rafael. The waters of this sector are known as aguas blancas, by the amount of foam that the River generates through the rapids. Throughout the year this kind of excursions, can be made even though the peak of attraction occurs during the summer season. The routes selected for different levels tend to oscillate between the 6 km long and 16 km, taking approximately between one and two hours for its complete realization.
Most of the companies that provide this service are dealing with the safety of the participants, taking the necessary steps to make this happen. A full safety equipment, consisting of a helmet and life jacket is provided first. In addition the raft trip is accompanied by other boats that monitor its travel. This is why aque rafting in Mendoza is ideal to be practiced in family, creating an unforgettable experience.
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