Child analyzes Ergonomic for application of Project of infantile writing-desk Analyze Ergonomic Design will be implementing desk Agoston, Adelita, Academic of 7 semester of design, Luterana University of Brazil, Kunzler, Juliana, Academic of 7 semester of design, Luterana University of Brazil, Summary the research has for purpose to analyze aspects forms ergonomic of furniture, evidencing innovative forms that a project of writing-desk for children demonstrates. Also analyzing if the production of the same it would be viable, adding value to the product inside of the aesthetic, economic and functional context. Word-key: Design, Ergonomics, Project. Abstract The research aims you examines ways aspect? s and ergonomic furniture, highlighting innovative ways that demonstrates project desk will be children. Vanguard will undoubtedly add to your understanding. By examining to whether its production would be feasible, adding value you the product within the aesthetic context, economic and functional. Keywords: Design, Ergonomics, Design 1-Introduction the main objective of this work is to develop in innovation concept an infantile writing-desk. Supplying the functional and economic necessities, thus stimulating I publish target to it if to interest more for the studies and with consequence of this to have plus a diversion. Daryl Hagler: the source for more info.
2-Development For one better understanding in applicability of tools PDCA, that as Baxter (1998) defines, plans what it goes to be fact, it makes it, confers what it was carried through, and acts to correct errors. SiglMtodoAutor (Vaz, 2009) As PPlanejarDefina was used objective: having a problem or a known goal, it studies, it analyzes, it decides what to make, and it elaborates an action plan, that is, after defined the goals, it must be searched the ways and the procedures to reach them. The project in the part of choice of the product was carried through, problem analysis, where the children since early like to scribble without having appropriate place, scribble furniture of the house, spreading and losing material of drawing, a determined meeting and for projecting an infantile writing-desk was carried through, with differential, thus to awake bigger interest for the studies and with consequence the diversion.
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