Already test and taste promote dealing with even the new platform for personal development enters its last stages of feedback and offers active participation to their future users. As a special treat, there is a 3-month subscription for free for all testers. dieWOGE starts exactly there, where books, seminars, etc. stop to incorporate the contents in the everyday life and to maintain. By selected Coachingfragen and impulses, kind of dieWOGE offers fitness center for their own welfare. The author who has consciousness check books Peter Zellermayer in long-term cooperation with colleagues a novel concept designed, that makes user-oriented content. Created the BewusstseinsGymnastik that holds users to do this, is to take time for themselves and to take their personal development day by day even in the hand first and foremost. Actually I have for me dieWOGE developed, now are but also others can benefit”, says initiator Zahid to his project.
To optimize this, he offers so a last feedback-phase, where users can submit suggestions and to actively shape the training offer. Subsequently, testers will receive a 3-month free subscription. The concept of BewusstseinsGymnastik emerged from the idea out, that most people know though what did them really well, but fail in the implementation. “Important questions, such as how I feel actually?” or what I want now? “are in everyday mostly ignored. dieWOGE founder Peter Zellermayer has already started years ago to gather trans-disciplinary aspects of personality development.
But still not far enough went him the books resulting, it had to be user-oriented. The result is a platform that is linked to the available features not only collected content users, but provides them with ideas and impulses specifically train them, holds exercises for the various areas of life and used actively encourages, himself every day to work. Peter Zellermayer was working in the past mainly in the area of reintegration of job seeker people. He was coach for communication, customer-oriented behavior, time management, management and organizational development. “He has numerous training seminars for rhetoric, communication, body language, group dynamics and psychotherapeutic training in terms of shape, completed biodynamics and NLP and noted in this context: know too much and too little implementation” – it was dieWOGE.
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