Give clues and keys that affect the pharmacist as an inescapable public service provider and qualified professional.That is what will do Asefarma, one of the consultants of leading pharmacies in our country (), on September 22 in the city of Valencia. We will give you ideas that generate the implementation in a sector’s value as it is of this autonomous community pharmacy offices, says Carlos Garcia-Maurino, its managing partner and promoter. And it is that advice, aware of changing times and new needs as well as help make stronger to the world of the offices of Pharmacy has decided to organize this event at the headquarters of the Centro de Estudios Financieros. It’s motivate attendees to be dynamic in the management of their businesses since so they will increase the profitability of them. For this reason and for two hours we will give them to know the elements that must work as well as the legal and fiscal techniques more appropriate and efficient for each business. They will also learn about the new technologies, purchasing and management of stock more productive and innovative management techniques, adds Garcia-Maurino. With this day, totally free and where places are limited, Asefarma aims to that of community pharmacies are aware of the importance of anticipating the needs of the market, to ensure a high quality of service to its clients and to become more competitive.
To achieve these challenges is producing a change of mentality in the pharmacist. With this new philosophy the pharmacist must work to achieve a high level of management, developing a good business plan, adds.
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