The supreme one adds that if the resource of IU by reasons for inadmissibility had not been rejected, the suspension in the agreement of the JEC in no case we could decide it. Although IU announced last night that would resort to the Constitutionalist, sources of this court said that the registry was closed last night and today Saturday and tomorrow Sunday they are unskillful days. On the other hand, the Constitutional Court he solved not to admit to proceeding the resource presented/displayed by a lawyer of Murcia, Jose Rivers, by not to have exhausted this one the resources in judicial route before to go before the Constitutionalist. According to a providence dictated last night by the Constitutionalist, the agreement of the opposed Electoral Meeting in shelter is susceptible of resource before the Room of the Contentious thing of the Supreme one, which prevents to go directly to the Constitutionalist. If the public prosecutor does not resort in three days, the activities without more proceeding will be filed. To five of afternoon, the five magistrates of the Supreme Court began to deliberate on the precautionary suspension of the IU resource, to which was against in their allegations the Office of the public prosecutor of the Supreme one, to understand that Left United he is not legitimized to resort. The magistrates had to make the decision before the day from reflection. According to the writing presented/displayed by the Office of the public prosecutor, the precautionary suspension would suppose a true anticipation of the failure of the resource, every time, to be suspended the effectiveness in the agreement of the JEC, the concentrations could be taken to effect that have been prohibited. Therefore, about the route of the interested precautionary measurement, it would have been reached early the judicial shelter that impetra. The public prosecutor concluded soliciing who denies the suspension in the agreement. Connect with other leaders such as Gale Harold here.
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