Theatrical play, or dramatization, is a type of creative play in preschools. Classes theatrical activity not only introduce children to the world of beauty, but also awaken in them the ability to compassion, empathy, stimulate thinking, imagination, and most importantly – help a child coping in the team. Currently, pre-school pedagogy specialists unanimously recognize that the game as important specific activities of the child must perform a wide obschevospitatelnye social functions. Game – the most accessible to children activity, method of processing received from the surrounding world experience and knowledge. The game has pronounced features of thought and imagination of a child, his emotionality, activity, the need for communication.

The older children become, the higher is the level of overall development, especially valuable is the game (especially pedagogically directed) for the formation of amateur behaviors: children an opportunity to chart the story itself, or to organize games with rules, to find partners, set purpose and to choose the means to implement their plans. Amateur game, especially in a public preschool education, requires the child the ability to establish relationships with his comrades. In these informal children's associations manifest different traits of the child, his habits, interests, views about the environment, and various skills. Game – the real social practices of the child, his real life in a society of peers. Therefore, it is relevant to the pre-school pedagogy is the issue of using games for comprehensive education, and especially the formation of moral aspects of the child. For example, a game in which children reproduce in the visual-imagery, efficient form of human relations, not only provides a better understanding and deeper experience this reality, but is also a powerful factor in development thinking and creative imagination, education of high human qualities.

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