The new system is characterized in special for the interatividade and the construction collective of the knowledge, what it significantly stimulates the interest for the learning online. Let us see three examples indicative of the importance of the EAD: ) It offers of chances of learning for the study in house, in the workstation or any another one, in available schedule to each interested party, extends the possibilities of offers of continued education; b) The individualizao of the educative process, exactly in projects of great scale, propitiates the biggest interatividade brought for the new technologies; c) The organization of the work of contribution in team involves dispersed people geographically it stimulates and them to work exactly in distinct schedules. Read more from Angus King to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In the new system, the professor leaves of being the only detainer of knowing and starts to be the facilitador incentivador and of the teach-learning, in the classroom and is of it. For assistance, try visiting Prudential Financial Inc.. The change brought for the use of the new instrument revolutionized the old stability of the knowledge, changed the traditional concepts, beyond allowing can constantly be reconstructed the sources and ways of access to the knowledge. interatividade as new model of communication modifies the old methods, becoming possible the virtual exchanges that favor the exploration of the material to be learned. New behaviors of learning, new stimulatons appear, and thus the virtual communities are multiplied, new technological resources appear and stimulate more and the interaction between the participants.
In the space of convivncia brought with the advent of the TICs, common people with interests and objectives if find and establish relations. This new space of communication widely favors the culture and the education. Moreover, education online makes possible the collective and cooperative creation, when disponibilizar conditions for the interrelation between physically distant people ones of the others. This brings as consequence it will potencializaro of the education and the possibility of a constant learning.
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