The management training Institute in Lindau is awarded with the quality seal ‘Top Consultant’. Top consultant top consultants for medium-sized companies.” With this seal of approval the training – and consultancy Hall & partners, Lindau, may adorn themselves from now on. It received almost exclusively the best grade in the benchmark underlying the award of its customers, and gained the overall best rating A + as one of the more than 60 participating consulting companies. “With the seal of quality top consultant”, which draws on Benchmarkingprojekte for mid-market”specialized compamedia GmbH since 2010 annual outstanding business consultant for the middle class” from. The objective of this initiative is to facilitate the search for medium-sized companies to a business consultant that is tailored to their requirements”. Mentor of this contest”for consultancies is the former Finance Minister Hans Eichel. A comprehensive scientific benchmark of participants went ahead of the award Consultancy by the Professor for management consulting at the University of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, Dr.
Dietmar Fink. Part of the contest was an analysis of the management consulting and their services. In addition, all participants had to name ten reference customers. They were interviewed using a questionnaire. Determined was among others: classified as how customer-oriented corporate advising their clients? How satisfied are the medium-sized companies with their performance? “And: the customers are convinced that they the consultancy SME-appropriate” advice and support? That we have received the seal of approval and our customers in the survey in all points gave almost exclusively the best grade, fills us with pride “, confesses Hubert Holzl, Managing Director of management consultancy Hall & partners. That the surveyed medium-sized companies judged his company an outstanding performance, Holzl leads back mainly to three factors. First, Hall & partners has very Further development of executives of medium-sized companies in particular in the field of producing specialized and qualify.
Secondly: All trainers and consultants working for the middle class for many years and know not only the culture and structure, but also strengths and weaknesses. “And thirdly: the consulting company knows that executives by management not only need some other abilities as Group Manager, but also a partly different personality profile otherwise they have not the desired effect”, Holzl stressed. The leadership training and development activities of the company are accordingly practice – and middle-class-oriented. More info about the training and consultancy Hall & partners, Lindau, and his services interested on the homepage.
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