Since very old times, some illnesses had attacked and until diverse civilizations devastaram, causing fear and great concern between the affected populations. Amongst these illnesses, they are inclusas the Viroses, that are illnesses caused for virus. By peculiar characteristics, the viruses are classified in a group to the part. Currently the viruses also cause concern and fear in many people, but in well lesser ratio that in the passed centuries, this had invention of the Vaccine. Although all the technology, some viroses not yet possesss vaccines, therefore the knowledge on the forms of transmission of these illnesses becomes basic so that if it can prevent them. In this direction, through the inquiry of the knowledge of the pupils of 3 year of Average Ensino on the thematic Viroses, in what it says respect to the definition of the term, the classification of the kingdom of the viruses and on some viroses; which the information sources the pupils more they use to clarify its doubts on this subject; which pedagogical alternatives of education the pupils prefer.
It was verified that the pupils present a reasonable knowledge in relation to viroses, that the main source of used information half is related to the media and that the pupils prefer lessons with animaes and videos. this occurred, amongst some factors, had the imperfections demonstrated in didactic books when describing the subject, for the easiness of access to the half miditicos and for the learning if becoming significant, to if considering pedagogical alternatives. Therefore the professor is basic in the process of teach-learning to clarify the doubts of the pupils, a time that the books can contain errors, that the medias can influence the pupils erroneamente and that for education to become significant, new pedagogical proposals must be used in the education process learning. Recently Mike Gianoni sought to clarify these questions. Words Keys: Viroses, Media, Average Education
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