At the end of the 19th century the industrial revolution was consolidated and the cities grew to leave the human person lost in a mechanized network. People left to convert mass and consumers, lost in the big city, anonymous in the city, living a shared loneliness. In the 1960s is to REDISCOVER what technical society snatched people: the social gathering and specific culture of the people. Strengthens the phenomenon of the ASC, which aims to encourage citizens and offer you the possibility of awareness of a series of processes that lead him to humanize his life. Institutions and States take sides: UNESCO: the ASC is a set of social practices aimed to stimulate the initiative of the communities in their own development process in the dynamics of social and political life. Ministries of culture: facilitate citizen participation, combating passivity and isolation. The Church: For the Pastoral Social, the ASC is an ideal field of evangelization, especially in marginal environments. But the ASC grew unevenly, sometimes detached from reality and with little public support, without reaching planned expectations.
The ASC has been characterized by: the ACTIVISM: hasty desire to do things, to fill gaps without fill with content. INTUITION: by clairvoyance, sentimentality (saviors of children), because we were affected (mothers against drugs) the VOLUNTARISM: to fill my empty, to escape my loneliness, to feel good with my conscience development, typology, concept, theory and definition of the ASC is quite documented. Today more interested as to carry out everything we already know. It is giving strength and weight to the words (so not the wind take them) and concepts with: realizations: performances, practices, work, results. Movements: trends, styles and originalities. Forms: resources, formulas, techniques. Methods: proceedings, criteria, tactical, guidelines.
It is ultimately the as can be, or the practice of animation: methodology. Today it is not enough to fight for fair goals; you have to fight with correct methods (Marco Marchioni). Because there is no aseptic methodology, any method is based on a way of understanding life and things: apply us this story: what the hell are you doing?, I asked the monkey when I saw him take a fish from the water and place it on a tree branch. I’m saving you perish drowned, he said. So, more important than the method (how, what, when, with whom, where, for whom,) will be the own figure of the professional ANIMATOR and its overall objectives, your way of being and of understanding life. Where should the ASC is directing? Does focus our gaze to where? What areas of activity have gaps? There are five areas with possibilities of the ASC performance: 1. the ASC itself. 2. Education in leisure time. 3. The education of adults. 4. The specialized education. 5. The training and labour insertion. And five are spaces socio-educational where the ASC has a wide range for intervention: 1. socio-the educational intervention through the media (radio, local TV, newspapers). 2. The hospital pedagogy. 3. Education for health (prevention campaigns, courses, conferences, therapeutic communities, harm reduction programs). 4. The third and fourth age. 5. The immigrants.
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