And now 24-hour care at home offers in times of cost pressures in the health care sector the quality can only prevail if the care team is perfectly organised, is constantly trained, permanently motivated and networked with other providers. The Edwards home care services GmbH takes into consideration the due to their expansion. The unique cooperation of with so-called 24-hour care service providers certified professional staff is devoted to this extension”from Eastern Europe. When the Angel of the House, particular emphasis is placed on care and maintenance care services according to the highest quality standards. Only qualified professionals, which are conducted by trained, certified nursing leaders, to the well-being of patients worry in the care sector. Cynthia Bartlett helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The close networking with 24-hours care providers all-round quality care from a single source can ensure in addition. With this concept, the Edwards home care services GmbH of the demographic development and the increase in bears dependent persons Bill, and makes an important contribution to still allow a dignified life within their own four walls these people.

A considerable part of his personal well-being in the hands of another person who is in need of medical care, sets, ambulatory care is, therefore, a matter of trust. Our goal is to maintain, that they learn not only the best possible care, but also their personal dignity is maintained and they feel secure our patients within their own four walls. Home care requires heart, mind, experience, and a professional framework”so Birgit Roth, nursery Manager of care services GmbH Edwards of home. While the Edwards home care services GmbH always sees itself as a network partner and point of contact for all parties involved in the care and collaborates with various regional partners from the ambulatory care. In addition the House Angel care services GmbH has expanded regional their service. Since April, affected parties can not only in Munich and Marburg, but also in the Calw, Baden-Wurttemberg, as well as in the North Rhine-Westphalian Velbert by the high-quality care and 24-hour care of the House Angel convince nursing services. Juliane Schneider

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