Again an increase in post? Termination and change of the private health insurance should not be made without previous comparison. Just at the end of the year is regularly watching a wave of change in the private health insurance and has a good reason. At the end of the year, the insurance companies announce their contributions for the following year. The insured then faced an increase in premium. This contribution increases resulting from the dilemma that the private health insurance companies with steadily increasing costs by increasing life expectancy of insured and always more expensive treatments are facing. These rising costs are ultimately only with premium adjustments under control. The insured person by his insurer receives an increase in premium, an extraordinary termination right is entitled to him he may terminate the contract at the end of the year.
Considering a change of private health insurance into consideration, this should be considered good. First, the new rate should the as accurately as possible meet the individual requirements of the insured person. This means mostly that the services of the new tariff should be at least not worse than that of the old. Here, a comprehensive, independent, and accurate comparison of insurance is strongly recommended, so that you can find the society and the collective, which fits to the personal requirements. Such an individual private health insurance comparison can be requested online at relevant insurance portals, or are created by an independent insurance consultant. Also, the health condition of the insured person in the eye is to keep changing.
He is healthy, the way will be a change of the insurer. However there are pre-existing conditions, then he must expect insurance at the new company with risk premiums or in the worst case a refusal of the insurance. ease your knowledge. Risk premiums can increase, seriously the monthly contribution at, so that the new post can be higher than the previous. It is much less favourable if the Application due to risk factors is not accepted in this case it remains best at the old society, even if this increases the contribution. Finally, it is to bear in mind that each company makes for their insured retirement provisions, as early as possible to avoid a disproportionate increase in posts at the age. These provisions are mandatory. You can be transferred for contracts concluded after 1 January 2009. For older contracts, they are lost what is another reason to consider the change of the society. A change is decided, then apply it, to ensure a seamless transition in health insurance. It requires already the statutory compulsory health insurance. Is cancelled insurance as at 31 December, the new Treaty to January 1 must begin. Usually is also to demonstrate the before and the subsequent insurance of society for the termination to take effect and the new insurance on the Enters credit transfer latency.
Filed under: General