Amanda Aline Barbosa, 16, are in the last year of Average Ensino and want to enter a university in the year that comes, but not yet decided the course. It is in doubt between Chemistry and Engineering. ' ' I have fear to choose a profession and not to give certo' ' , the young relieves. The student was one of the 60 a thousand people who had passed for the Center of Practical Esportivas of the USP between days 4 and 6 of August during 5 edition of the Fair of the Professions, in So Paulo. In the event he had the possibility to inquire itself on the courses offered for the university, beyond attending the attractions as ' ' Show of Fsica' ' to participate of dynamic of professional orientation. Coordinator of services of professional orientation of the USP, the psychologist Maria of the Conceio Uvaldo affirms to be the research the best way young it to decide the career.
' ' To the times the young encasqueta with a profession without the least to search on the area. When it enters in the college has great decepo.' ' Fairs of professions are one excellent chance to know a little on definitive careers, but has other possibilities, standes out Maria of the Conceio. ' ' The facultieses of Psychology exist, that offer services of professional orientation. It still has the specialized Internet, sites and the proper professionals who act in the area of interest of the young, that they can give informao.' to it; ' Self-knowledge Also in the last year of Average Ensino, Eduarda Ila Muniz, 17, says to like Advertising, however it was to the fair to search information on the course of Architecture and Urbanism. ' ' It is one another option. But also taste to create, to move with mdias.' ' According to psychologist Maria of the Conceio, despite the research is essential in the choice of the profession, the young one needs to know itself well to take decisions assertive.
' ' You discipline them pertaining to school are only one factor to be led in account. It is important to still discover things of its interest, it motivates what it, what calls its attention in a magazine or the TV, for exemplo.' ' For the psychologist, to yield to the pressure of the parents is not optimum way. ' ' Many times the parents have an image of the profession that does not correspond to the reality, therefore the market of very fast dumb work. Voc.' invites them to make market research together with; ' The person who orientates also disagrees with the idea to choose the profession with base only in the financial return or because the career is in high. ' ' The problem faced for many professionals is related to the concentration. In So Paulo, for example, it has a great concentration of professionals of superior level, but this is not a reality in all the Brasil.' '
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