Marketing and many other terrible and incomprehensible words burst into our lives with the arrival of new principles of doing business in the early '90s. What lies behind this foreign word, and he, marketing, should be inscribed in the structure of the company? On These questions will try to answer in this article, "Marketing" series of "effective company structure." Let us turn to the basics. According to the classical definition of the founder of the theory of marketing Philip Kotler, Marketing – this is a human activity aimed at meeting the needs and wants through exchange. It is unlikely that this definition will help us to understand the basic functions of the activities of the company's structure. We are looking for further. Marketing – is the implementation of business processes in the direction of the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer (American Marketing Association, USA). Now that's closer to our topic.
So, in the present structure of marketing department – this is, above all, the office responsible for directing the product from producer to consumer. Consider the work of the marketing department in terms of a functional model of the company. The main features that marketing department should implement a modern company is a function of orientation of the Enlightenment understanding of the marketing department provides Orienteering through MARKETING RESEARCH. This business cycle research market, visiting conferences and exhibitions industry, working directly with the product. Efforts to allow this function to gather the necessary information and make the right choice in favor of viable in the long term product that will bring profit. And the result of this work have become a strategic marketing plan and technical proposals for an increase in orders from the permanent and new customers. The function of Orienteering demands from employees of a proactive approach to the evaluation of incoming information.
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