In many occasions of life to both people, as goods that are part of their heritage might be so exposed to a few dangers, to avoid that the consequences are so severe and do not count at least with media for the repair, many people foresee certain consequences and ensure both them as their property through insurance, which contain a policy, which before the concurrency of damage and accidents, must respond through an indemnity, which cover the damage caused by reason of the eventful events, at least in monetary terms as well with the compensation may compensate the damages as a result of the damage if that would be possible or replace the destroyed asset and in the case of persons for hospital care or any other use that you want to give, therefore compensation takes on great significance within the activity of persons as a result of the policy, to make the consequences not so disastrous taking at least resources to replenish things or to recover. So, the main reason by which you get a policy of insurance in its many manifestations, is in search of economic compensation to be able to repair the damage that occurred as a result of an accident or an event unpleasant as it may be the death of a person for various reasons; so compensation would be provided by the insurance company to the beneficiary of the policy by reason of the insurance contract which were existing the insurer with the contracting and insured, keeping a civil contractual a consideration upon submission of any of the events covered within policy and that its occurrence is derived compensation. Such compensation, is an amount which is required to be given by the insurer in the cases in which there has been a claim covered within the insurance policy. From what we have seen so far serious compensation the economic consideration that is generated from the insurance, put that in a moment initial or periodically the insured or contracting gave a premium to be covered with insurance, so if one of the eventualities provided for corresponds to the insurer in exchange for the payment of the premium give compensation to the beneficiary. Within the compensation can be distinguished on the basis of which will be delivery, therefore if it is safe for people, compensation shall correspond to the capital agreed by the parties within the policy; While in the case of compensation for insurance on things, it’s an economic revival on the heritage of the insured, thus compensation is the value of the object that is damage, deterioration, or lost as a result of the accident, will deliver the repaired object or something to fill it, and in other cases through money.
Filed under: General