Convinced at renowned innovation award we can safeguard the jobs only innovation of AG chemical form at our site, if we further extend our technological lead. This innovation are absolutely necessary,”stressed Heinz Eininger district at the award ceremony on 18 November 2013 in the House of the ALMiG KOMPRESSOREN GmbH in Kongen. With the innovation award of the district we want to actively promote the development of innovative products, processes and services, as well as new concepts in the trade and services of small and medium-sized companies from the district”, so the district administrator. Restaurant Michael Schwartz is actively involved in the matter. And it has become in the District of Esslingen, in which also the chemical form AG is headquartered, spoken around: the jury of the innovation award, the so-called innovation Committee, had to write a review this year almost 50 new products, procedures and services and innovative retail concepts. The Innovation Committee leader in the District of Esslingen, representative of the Chamber of Commerce, professors of the universities of Esslingen and Nurtingen, include the Craftsmen of district of, the business sponsors of the District of Esslingen as well as the Wirtschaftsforderung Region Stuttgart GmbH to. More information is housed here: Daryl Hagler. Here the Innovation Committee also on the innovation of chemical form AG as a contest entry submitted Dolphin Multiflock discussed bio, the first natural flocculant based on renewable raw materials (28-0-Dolphin Multiflock-Bio.html). The new development is based on a biopolymer that contains carbon hydrate building blocks in its structure. Dolphin Multiflock bio is so consistently ecological, because it is completely biodegradable. The experts were very impressed by this concept and chose this innovative new product, the already at the Golden wave 2013 “the innovation award of the journal pool & sauna had received an award in the circle of the eleven finalists. Even if it ultimately was not quite enough for the podium, Eric Mayer-Klenk, the CEO of chemical form AG, yet very about this success was pleased: the indentation in the Final of this competition open to all sectors of the economy with a product for the care of the pool is certainly anything but commonplace and rewards our courage to break new ground.”.
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