In good time before the start of the study the Netherlands titled often referred to as “Student paradise” lure course with good study conditions, an international environment and a good study environment more and more Germans to study to Holland. And students from Germany are welcome at the Hanze University Groningen. Who would like to study in Dutch should complete in time course, which is offered by the College, a niederlandisch before beginning studies in the period from June 29 to July 25 2009. All Germans who have signed up for a Dutch course is recommended to participate in the course. Completed the course will be with the official NT2-II exams. This certificate is required to begin the study. It is also possible to obtain this exam in a different way, for example when some folk high schools in Germany.

In addition to the Dutch learning, as well as topics such as the Dutch culture and student life in Groningen at the plan. The price for German students Study on Dutch start, amount to 600,-euros. This amount includes courseware and exam fees. After completion of the course, students can get refunded the full rate amount of the Institute where they study. Before the course you should take care at an early stage accommodation. Experience has shown that many students rent their rooms during this period see. Deadline for registration is May 25, 2009 for the Dutch language. For more information about the course, the registration process and the Hanze University in Groningen at see.

The Hanze University Groningen is a modern institution, but dating back to the year 1797. Today, the Hanze University Groningen with 20,000 students and about 70 degrees is the largest vocational schools in the North of the Netherlands. The 70 courses are organized into 18 so-called schools. For students, this means: international orientation, active learning, a part of the studies even determine digital study planning and knowledge – and competence development.

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