With the relaunch, the website of the popular diet expert Michael Frantz become even clearer, announces today the center for nourishing communication and health journalism (CEC) in Cologne. on the website of the popular diet and nutrition expert information about particular topics such as healthy weight loss and diet therapy for diseases. Have used this service over the last twelve months, nearly 50,000 visitors, according to Mller Nothmann. The generalization of nutrition information often leads to a dead end, because in the evaluation of research shows, for example, that benefit from a Mediterranean diets give particular Greeks. And soy products have on the people in Asia has a different effect than in Germany. The nutrition science is in constant flux and that makes the publikumsgerechte mediation of current research is required. Many nutrition issues can be no final assessment. The discussion of acarbohydrate diet for weight loss is the Aktinsdit or the low-carb diets diametrically opposed. Therefore, the consumer needs competent nutrition professionals who are responsible for the individual dietary and nutritional advice. For this difficult task are in Germany, dieticians and nutritionists are available. Unlike other professions, especially dieticians are trained to weiterzuhelfen people who suffer from nutrition (with)-related diseases. Too often, however, come in terms of nutrition and dietetics, designated non-experts such as chefs, food chemists, psychologists, sports coaches, or affected to speak, criticized Mueller Nothmann. The media are invited to send experts have their say when it comes to the diet of healthy and sick people. When will then Moppel professionals, fitness coaches or other gurus to speak, no one should be surprised that from healthy lettuce suddenly a paper handkerchief in aGlass of water developed. Experts, who say in interviews and discussions basically the opposite of making a suspicious manner, not wanting to inform, but merely mediengeil to be and additionally want to promote their book sales. Meanwhile in Germany goes in every three euro in the health sector at the expense of malnutrition. After the relaunch of the website of Sven-David Mller Nothmann are now the font and the colors changed so that the visually impaired can also benefit from the nutrition information. In addition, the website is practically accessible and offers a mailing list. The center for nourishing communication and health journalism (CEC), headquartered in Cologne, dedicated in particular to individual nutrition counseling and operates scientifically justified public press and public on nutrition, prevention and nutrition. The CEC is a group of nutritionists, doctors, dieticians and other natural andHumanities scholars.
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