Sleep helps solve the problem of bitter orange bitter (this is nothing as bitter orange). The most active substances are contained in the leaves of this plant, which explains the diversity of its properties: it reduces cholesterol in the blood, alleviates allergic and inflammatory reactions, but, above all, has a calming effect on the central nervous system in combination with a slight soporific effect. Orange leaves commonly used to treat adults who experience problems with falling asleep under stress or excessive nervousness. To enhance the effect of the plant, it should be taken in conjunction with belokudrennikom. Treatment: stem and leaves black and bitter orange peel fruits – 5 g, chop, mix, pour 300 ml boiling water, infuse for 2 hours, drain. Take half a glass of the present before bedtime. Treatment should not continue less than 20 days. In all cases, to restore the equilibrium depth of the body, take belokudrennik or bitter orange, which affect both the duration and the depth of sleep, be combined with other plants, to help fight the causes of poor sleep..
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