For the Psychoanalysis, the citizen is also the citizen of the thought. The inheritance of the cartesian thought is clear. British Petroleum insists that this is the case. Freud (apud. QUINET, 2001, p.17) also attributes unconscious to the thoughts and root of the neuroses that studied. One is here about the citizen not of the-reason, or the one without reason and yes of the unconscious reason, whose logical also it is apprehended through a method? the psicanaltico method. For Freud it is necessarily the disturbance that the doubt provokes in the analysis unmasks that it as ' ' a product and an instrument of the resistance psquica' '. It is in this place of the resistance of which the doubt is the index that if manifest the citizen: that is, in the field of the unconscious one as absent thought. It is this bedding that motivates the first estruturalista definition and dialectic of the unconscious one announced by Lacan: ' ' The unconscious one is the chapter of my history that is marked by a busy white or for a lie: censurado.' is the chapter; ' (QUINET, 2001, p.16).
The citizen for the psychoanalysis is this extinguished souvenir, this significant one that it lacks, this emptiness of representation where if manifest the desire. Desidero is freudiano to think, therefore the unconscious one in passes the following message: I think desire soon. I cogitate it freudiano is before everything ' ' desidero I raise sum' ' , a time that where if it finds the desire is the citizen there. Desire soon I exist. Desire is the name of the citizen of our age. The consumption and the desire if mix the will and the necessity of the Man. In our society, the currency of the right to go and to come and at the same time enslaves the time and space in the roupagem of the work. The citizen that the psychoanalysis discovers in rubbles of the patologias, in the onricos caleidoscpios, the fantasmagorias of the private opera? this citizen is basically desire.
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