Refrigeration innovations enable reduction of total GHG emissions from refrigeration systems to 97 percent / State Secretary Jurgen Becker Award 4 German refrigeration refrigeration innovations cold award allow for reduction of total GHG emissions from refrigeration systems to 97 percent / State Secretary Jurgen Becker gives 4 Germans for climate friendly systems Berlin, March 20, 2012. The winner of the 4th German cold award show: climate protection is a matter of fact and requires innovative entrepreneurship. The refrigeration and air conditioning consumes 15 percent of the total electric energy in Germany and charged the climate significantly. It doesn’t have to be: the participating companies increased their energy efficiency with innovative, trend-setting concepts and make an important contribution to the climate protection goals of the Federal Government. Partially, they could reduce the total GHG emissions of refrigeration by 97 percent new groundbreaking concepts. Low investment costs are Energy savings of 20 percent and sophisticated maintenance solutions by more than 90 percent possible.
Jurgen Becker, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the environment, presenting the 4th German cold during a Congress the winners. In three categories, companies and organizations will be awarded with each 10,000, 5,000 and 2,500 euros which have set new standards in terms of energy efficiency with its developments. The competition for the fourth German cold Award and the fourth refrigeration technologies conference quo vadis?”aligns the Federal Environment Ministry in the national climate protection initiative. Together with the Association of refrigeration, conceived and organized the non-profit co2online GmbH ( the event. Refrigeration innovations open up big savings in the category of refrigeration or air-conditioning innovation”wins the first prize of the SFA compressed air technology GmbH in Walsrode. She uses one to drive the waste heat from air compressors Absorption chillers used for process cooling or air conditioning. Necessary conventional air-conditioning or refrigeration machine can be waived in this way one in the past, that would have required additional electric energy.
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