There are correct and incorrect ways to manage to burn that fat that as much bothers to you. Here I will give the 7 things you that you do not have to do and that usually they recommend to you; but also I will give 7 (+1 advice bonus) things you that of insurance will help you to become thin in one week. 7 things that you do not have to do I write these things so that not even you think to do them if somebody recommends them to you. And if you are already practicing some of these advice holds, because your health could be in danger. 1.

It does by one week one of those popular diets that leave in Internet (For example: Hollywood, Cakes, Soup of cabbage, apple). 2. To go to the gymnasium every day and to try to make press of bank, or weight died with the double of your corporal weight. To finalize doing 100 abdominal ones. 3. To take two bottles from hidratantes drinks and to begin to run every day by one hour. This really will not make you become thin in one week. 4.

Not to eat more than 3 times to the day and not to eat after 6pm. Nothing of normal food, to focus in bars of proteins and packed meals. 5. To reduce dramatically calories that you ingest. If you eat more than 800 calories per day, qudate underneath the bathtub with cold water by 10 minutes. 6. Not to take breakfast. To take two cups from coffee with a low fat roll. 7. To smoke half package of cigarettes and to take tablets to become thin. A note approaches the programs of loss of weight Is certain that some people do not need any type nutritional programs to lose weight, also is certain that some people need to follow a guide and a routine of exercises nutritional to lose weight of successful and safe way.

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