Each time we find it more complicated women reconcile our family life and work, especially when in the familiar look and feel not only we contemplate spending time with our spouses and children, but that we want to include organization, supply and household cleaning tasks. Because the time that remains free after breastfeeding, care for, educate our children, and working away from home if we also do it, do not consider it free time for us, to read a book, go out with our family or other leisure activity, not, normally what we call free time is at that time without very specific work, in which YesOnce in a while we relaxed and we had fun, but do many times we dedicate it to household chores for lack of organisation or time? Then is our free time? Sometimes it is almost non-existent? I after years of living in the organizational chaos, learned how to manage my time and my home, something essential when you are a homeschooler MOM. So I empape of multiple methods that teem by Internet. Most are optimization of corporate work methodologies transferred to domestic life, but it is true that with a little willingness and a small adaptation to each individual work. Now, I combine the upbringing and education of three children with a part-time job, six hours a day, and I feel that I do have the reins of my life and my home in your hands there are many web pages with different methods. the source for more info.
My favorite is the Flylady, which has an easy-to-adapt method and that helps keep the House. You don’t have to have it as the jets of gold, which is also not what I intend to, but remains. It is based on some fixed routines, morning and evening and spend about fifteen minutes of concentrated at some task form in addition to that specific. You can then go complicating with weekly and monthly tasks plans by areas of work within the household, etc. But the basics are the daily routines, and in addition it also takes into account that you need to take care of it these are my routines: morning routine levantarme soon wash up and dress me Review bathroom put washer breakfast review agenda prepare activity children spend Duster activity with children program followed Epysteme 15 minutes in the area reviewed e-mails routine noon prepare meal eat leave shiny sink 5 minutes destrasteando in the room that is worse. Put to cook dinner (with the help of my crock-pot usually) routine before go to sleep leaving the shiny sink pick up toys or Hot Spots (areas that are filled with papers and tackle during the day) 2 minutes check menu for following day washing my teeth reading a story to the children each family has to find that routines are adapted to your lifestyle. Another day I will share with you the daily tasks that have each of my children, and as that aid that the House will remain in better condition with less effort..
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