UP MANAGEMENT 1. One of the biggest potential risks to business is that taking into account the experience of the multinational is possible that this technology has increased, lower prices and greater ability to penetrate the market. 2. No. Under no circumstances Electronix SA must close on the contrary should identify the opportunities that always accompanied by threats. 3. Without knowing enough depth company and speculating a bit I quote the following strategies, including: a. Electronicax SA could be associated with similar national companies and thus minimize the impact to achieve the multinational market. b. It would be interesting to explore other types of market where the multinational can not reach, such as small municipalities in which the multinational would not go for operating costs and administrative costs are outweighed by the number of clients, this makes ELECTRONICAX SAbecause it is also smaller more agile. c. You could implement an advertising campaign based on nationalism and ownership by the company outlining a slogan like “COLOMBIAN NATIONAL BUSINESS USA and help our economy grow,” for example. d. Seek ways to meet with executives of the company in Colombia and a well developed business plan proposing to become a subsidiary of the same and to seek non extinction. As a final note to the response at this point believe that Colombians are ingenious enough to create multiple different alternatives. 4. I think not, for gambling under the rules of free market competition is permitted and is uneven, rather the members of the company should thus manage to grow your small business.Without competition we stagnate and we must also remember that nothing and nobody is infallible.
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