OF STEP BY INDUSTRY In the industrial park specifically the city of Sogamoso FUNDIMETAL company had the opportunity to share and observe the operation of various machines, which are responsible for metal fundimiento so you can make this in large rolls of wire.Given that the raw material of this product is one hundred percent scrap which comes to deposit various collection points. By being there we can see that there is an attitude of prevention since in these industries is essential to the carrying of helmet, boots if due industrial safety equipment. We had the opportunity to observe the unloading of a tractor-trailer loaded with rolls of wire, which is marketed by it. This was announced by the Manufacturers Association of Sogamoso (Addis), which is driving this macro project that would involve multimodal business: services, industry and commerce. The industrial site would be created in Sogamoso and could also cover the municipalities of Nobsa and T paga, Boyac . The minimum investment in this zone will be 11.8 million, as stated the president of the board of Adis Prada Ricardo Serrano. The free zone will be located in the industrial sector Sogamoso in the north of the city in a minimum batch of 20 hectares. Prada said that so far there are four companies interested in the project, but there is a possibility of the arrival of foreign investors. “There is a proposal to regionalize the industrial zone and Sogamoso with Nobsa T paga, Boyac . It takes a bit of a decision by the municipal administration to reform the Land Management Plan and is made in the shortest time possible,” said the President Addis. For Boyac already approved two special permanent zones: one is to Maquilagro and the other that of Paz del Rio steel mill. The agribusiness of Maquilagro is run on biofuels and Tuta. Received approval on 6 December 2007. The industry of steel and steel mill will be established in Belencito (Nobsa). This was approved on 16 September. There is also an initiative to establish a free zone which would provide services to the coal mining sector. The zone is defined geographical area within the country, where industrial activities are goods and services, and commercial activities under special regulations on taxation, customs and foreign trade. Goods entered in these areas are considered outside the national customs territory for purposes of taxes on imports and exports, as reported by Law 1004 of 2005, which regulates these businesses. “The benefit is an income tax of 15 percent on their profits, the customs: not paying duty or VAT, and the exchange rate: Periods of rotation and management of foreign payments different from ordinary imports,” he said Rogelio Knob Gutierrez, expert private consultant zones.
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