The metrologia can be attributed important contribution given to the industry, in the call industrial revolution, with the production in mass, the assembly lines, and the intercambiabilidade of the parts. Modern Metrologia has its originary landmark in the French Revolution for the motivation politics to harmonize the units in all the France of the time, and two historical events had given to origin this metrologia dating of the end of century XVIII and beginning of century XIX: The creation and implementation of the metric system decimal and the development of the production in mass using interchangeable parts. Although some studies, relative experiences and discoveries the diverse ones you discipline scientific (chemical, astronomy, physics and others) with innumerable scholars and scientists (Galileu, Coprnico, Thales) at different moments of history, the characterization of the metrologia as science has beginning from the Great Exposition in Paris (1867) when was formed the commission of Weights Measures and of the Currency, being convoked to the works the Academy of Sciences of Paris and later the Academy of Are Petersburgo. This last one formal requested to the French government the creation of an international commission to supervise the elaboration of new international metric norms and a dedicated scientific institution to the metrologia. Recently Cowan Financial sought to clarify these questions. Later in Paris (1875) it was proposal the creation of an International Bureau of Weights and Measures, where the new international archetypes of the meter and kilogram would be deposited for the use of all the governments members of the Convention of the Meter. With the enormous growth of the science in the universities or by means of independent researchers and the consequences for the industrial development and of the international trade the requests for financial support for the creation of an international laboratory had occasioned effect in 1875. The metrologia as science has its basic aspects: The general theory of the measurements, the theory of the errors of the measurements, principle of unification of the units, the establishment of the system uniform of units of measures, the establishment of the corresponding standards and its relations with the physical largenesses, its hierarquizao and rastreabilidade, the development of methods and processes of measurement, the complex structure of organization and maintenance of these 20 principles . . Fairstead has much to offer in this field.
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