Is the law also for attorneys lawyers be?DO N GOVERNED BY NEW C?I SAY DISCIPLINARY AS OF MAY 22, 2007. On January 22, 2007 was published the 1123 2007 law, by which establishes the disciplinary code of the lawyer. This law repealed in the relevant Decree 196 of 1971, article 13 of Decree 1137 of 1971 and Act 20 of 1972 that came establishing the status of Attorney previously. The Act governed 4 months after publication and therefore begins to run upon the 22 May 2007, without prejudice to the retroactive application of the disciplinary rules to lawyers who already had processes in progress. Within the most outstanding feature of this law is which is much stricter than the previous with the lawyers. This takes into account many details when it comes to punishment, because it provides many more assumptions of fact where lawyers incur fouls of disciplinary type. Proof of this is the extension of the apart from the law that is dedicated to establish all the rules of special procedure making them to the lawyers when they are linked to the process.
The part of procedure comprises articles 48 to 110, i.e. more than half of the Act. So, lawyers: stay tuned from this may 22 and know this law thoroughly, not going to be that careless you arriesgueis a fine or even loss of the professional card!. The new law blanket between his articles the principles of human dignity, ownership, legality, provisions, guilt, due process, favorability, presumption of innocence, Non Bis in Idem, equality Material, function of the disciplinary sanction, right to defense, criteria for the graduation of the sanction, gratuitousness of the disciplinary action, interpretation and application of principles. This law restricts its scope to the lawyer. It does not shelter clinic students, because these are cobijaran by their respective University statutes. Needless to say that this scope is both within the national territory and within foreign territory difference that you will be able found at uniderecho.
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