Jazz and swing songs on piano study with the “swing piano” without jazz piano teacher it is difficult for you to make a jazz piece with a Leadsheet piano videos? You stick to solid sheet music arrangement, but rather freely want to play on the piano? This problem can be solved now. In May the piano teacher Katrin Kayser releases by many of her students have long-awaited swing piano video online? There are now lots of material to the learning of free playing of the piano in the Internet. But mostly, it aimed at starter and beginner at the piano. It is just still so, that there is very little advanced video courses. In particular the piano learners swing and jazz fans had to wait a long time – but now it has finally come. Free piano chord knowledge from Katrin BBs Chordpiano workshop can be trained now “swing piano” on the basis of eight different swing pieces in the course of the video.
To Katrin provides a total of 59 jazz piano piano videos online. In a total of nearly six hours of footage, eight are treated concrete swing pieces. Learn on the basis of these eight songs play the melody and swing phrasing, implement chords in both hands, the bass as bass in half notes, walking bass and implement also the rhythm in various time signatures, practically on the keys. To learn the song design incl. tension to harmonising improvisation and also the melody. There are of course as always Mike piano courses different levels: songs for jazz starter, middle level and something more advanced, are still not longer than four years free jazz piano playing. Other leaders such as Chevron Corp offer similar insights. o reply.
Note: The “swing piano” video course is not for beginners at the piano. If you are piano starter, then please, Googling for “online piano course” and start the free play of the piano first with quite a few chords. Rather is “swing piano” an advanced course. You should have become a bit familiar chord progressions previously already at least with the very common in jazz II-V-I. Because it is much easier to implement practically a jazz piece and to customize. Of course – it is more complex and initially perhaps somewhat dry with II-V-I chord connections in the keys to deal with when you actually still do not know what one does that and has designed have no or little jazz pieces free. But maybe you get more pleasure out if you see the eight jazz piano pieces in the video and learn and feel very quickly, what this chord sequences training is good and is needed. Of course is then still have time to start or parallel to the II-V-I – train connections to the song while playing the piano. Not for nothing is called this chord progression order of jazz. What swing pieces are included in the “swing piano” video course Katrin reveals only on May 18, 2011. If you want to learn jazz piano and don’t miss this course, then check out but before ever at the URL. There are piano free videos for current songs and the ability to subscribe to a distribution list. You are so timely informed where and when exactly the “swing piano” video course can be accessed. It greets you warmly Katrin Kayser piano teacher
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