therefore will take in them in some way to conquer what we desire, turns around what we have as focus. Thus, exactly that the time is something natural and invariant, in the percipient conscience of each one of us it is only changeable in accordance with our motivation and our focus. Soon, we arrive> to the main point: FOCUS, goal, objective, in other words what we desire to be, to have or to make in the future time. However, rare our objectives are clear in our conscience, and, most of the time they are confused with expectations that had not been taken care of. But, as to discover which they are my objective Reals? How to discover what she motivates my perception, so that I can increase my exploitation of time? The first step is to establish where you go to focar: what it will go to become its more pleasant, satisfied and carried through life. However, the only illusion must be eliminated of that something exists definitive and that takes care of to all our expectations forever. It has different focos for each area of the life: staff, financier, professional, relationships, leisure, cultural, etc. To assume that you think in different ways about each position that occupies in its life will help, it to clarify conscientiously what really desire.
With its conscientious and clear goals, the next step is to plan at great length. Specifying with wealth of information what you desire, it enriches its motivation and it extends its perception on the time and the environment, and is of this form that as much its conscientious one as its unconscious one starts if to put into motion for the accomplishment. A well elaborated planning must be specific, with pass-the-passes of what you have that to make, emergency plans, time, who goes to commemorate with you its conquest, to be positive and to be congruente with its identity, beliefs and values. .
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