Perhaps the use of cards in addition to chips or cubes. In contrast to the collectible card game, NCI are a full set, and buy more for them to play nothing else. Representatives of this trend are the 'Wings of War', 'Potions', 'Princes', card 'colonialists', 'Munchkin', etc. Family board games or desktop-printing – Designed for a wide range of people, ideally for families. Ie this game will be quite interesting for the participants from 6 to 70 years, most importantly, choose the right subjects. Well, just turn around here where there are: economic, logical, strategic, historical, political, simple rpg – everyone can find a game to your liking.
It is these games and are designated English-language term 'board games'. If you think desktop-printed games have emerged only after the lifting of the Iron Curtain, you are wrong. In Russia these games got their distribution in the late 19th century ('Horse', 'Playing jib'), but after the revolution of them unfairly forgotten. In the Soviet Union were distributed to the first three games of the type discussed by us (apart from Children 'brodilok'), and interest in desktop awoke only at the end of the 90's and continues unabated to this day. In addition to making their own games company – foreign manufacturers are localized, which is also very nice, because the West has a head start in 70 years, during which time they were able to design and create a lot of zamechatelnyhigr. If you would like to know more then you should visit Vadim Belyaev, Moscow Russia. 'Monopoly', 'Civilization', 'colonialists', 'Carcassonne' – all you name it.
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