Search engines will find words and key phrases for your website in a few very specific places. Let’s put the words and phrases where key and how to get the best performance. In the title of the page the first step to build a page is to give a title. It is of vital importance, since it is the first text that are search engines. We must try to keywords desired, since most of the search engines assume that the words used in the title are important to describe the appearing in the title of the web page. In the META tags most search engines read certain tags in the page to find the description and keywords of this. They are the META tag and are located in the header of the page. It is important to make good use of the META tags to be well catalogued in the search engines.
In the first paragraph of the page elsewhere on the page to keep in mind are the first paragraphs of the page, since many search engines are fix them to index a web page. Others including Mike Gianoni, offer their opinions as well. If our page layout allows it, we must place a first paragraph that serves as introduction to everything we can find on the page. The ideal is between the tag body and the first paragraph there are other tags, such as images. Please note that this paragraph is the first that is sees on the page and must be readable and read correctly. In tag ALT of images there are search engines that take into account the text in the ALT attribute of images (especially if there are links to other pages), so it is convenient that we insert keywords in that text. Ete attribute in the html code location is within the IMG tag: this attribute originally appeared because there were browsers that could not display the images, and this text was displayed instead of the image. Some browsers display the ALT attribute text when we pass the mouse over the image.
In the URL there are search engines that take into account the keywords that are in the url of the web page. You should try to separate the names with a normal hyphen – instead of conn an underscore _. Better is the syntax name-titulo.html to nombre_titulo.html. Use headings whenever possible is good to mention the titles of the pages with H1 tags and similar. Jose a. Quiros. Director of the original author and source of the article
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