The subject-subject relationship is the heart of education is the foundation on which stands the whole educational task is a human encounter that requires a transdisciplinary framework that integrates the different fields of knowledge beyond the limits of science. Holistic education of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava is a teaching of universal love is a process of forming whole human beings, nurturing the best of human spirit, transcending beyond the instrumental sound training that led to the moral collapse of modern society. Universal love is the holistic intelligence, consciousness to give direction and meaning to our actions that promote peace and harmony, supported in our understanding of life. The purpose and basis for genuine education is universal love, whose meaning is an orientation to fraternity and welfare humanity, based on the understanding and certainty. "The certainty is the inner light of the Self, the intelligence, the supreme insight of Being, both come together in the way of universal love, the way of the perennial philosophy." The intelligence and certainty are the inner light of compassion, it is the quality that allows educators we treat students as human beings, genuinely interested in them, listen, talk, respect their individuality, to investigate fundamental questions together impose life without conclusions, allowing them to realize their inner journey. Holistic education is a process of continuous inquiry and learning about ourselves and our relationship with the Kosmos that encourages holistic awakening of intelligence, the birth and development of the own certainty, to live consciously with joy. "Intelligence is the resource to know ourselves deeply into the Kosmic context in which we, the self is the foundation of wisdom, prudence and responsibility.

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