one of the largest milk processors in Northern Germany frischli opts for proven quality of the Troisdorf logistics specialist who is frischli milchwerke GmbH, based in the Lower Saxony Rehburg-Loccum. Daily around one million litres deliver milk around 1 000 farmers, which frischli processed to over 120 different products, including specialities for large consumers, desserts, cream specialities, long-life milk and milk powder. \”‘ Best-known brands are, for example, the cocoa drink Nesquik\”, ready to eat packaged in the practical carton, or the Quark specialties under the name Leckermaulchen \”. Growth requires smart logistics now has outgrown the family business not only beyond the borders of Lower Saxony, also the required storage and logistics areas grew steadily. More than 1 200 pallets must be provided daily for the shipping alone at the main plant and loaded within a very short time on over 50 trucks. It soon became clear that the logistical challenges of the Are not to tackle future with existing capacity. The modernisation and expansion of existing warehouse and picking places was the key to a fast and most importantly, safe extension.

Warehouse extension frischli found a suitable contractor for the realization of this planning under difficult conditions with SIVAplan. The specialists from the Rhenish Troisdorf for fully automatic storage systems could refer to extensive experience, finally solve the logistical requirements of renowned customers from home and abroad for more than three decades. And this know-how was required from the outset that had to be made during operation! The tightly laced phased plan envisaged the construction of a fully automated high-bay warehouse for finished goods in the first step, to make room for additional 3 500 pallet locations. The channel storage than conventional steel construction in a Hall specially constructed was installed in the summer of 2006, almost the previous storage area with 3 000 sq.m doubled. The direct neighbourhood to the existing shipping center and the adjacent production allows a quick transport of goods and flexible warehouse management.

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