According to Kotler & Keller (2006) this is the greater initiative of the company at the moment. This action of the evidence to the company, providing a positive image next to the consumer, therefore the initiative of the company will go to provide more healthful snacks, consequently health for its consumers. Consideraes final In this new society, known as society of century 21, we live a moment of constants and quick changes, changes these in all the directions and agreement. We observe the modification of the behavior of the consumers, consequences of its new beliefs and values. Conventional situations of collective acceptance, are not more standards of acceptance. How many new citizens: the modern consumer, the new consumer of century 21 the echo-flat amongst others.
In these new scenes we observe diverse natural products and with the had one I appeal ambient, green stamp the meat, vehicles echo-sports and adventures, perfumes in natura, clothes ecologically created and produced, packings with deep and the ambient cause, bag you degraded, buys and we plant a tree for you I credit, it of carbon in the file of legal documents insurances, amongst as much other products right-handers that use of it I appeal ambient. We understand that he is not more future and yes reality, to interpret the yearnings and chances of the green products already are the reality of the professionals of the marketing. The image of the company and its I friction in the tangent to the ambient questions attribute to this a value, value this financier. Pertinent questions to the ambient liabilities and ambient responsibility are part of the companies and of the value I repeat of its mark. Shareholding pointers had been created for the ecologically correct companies, a good example are the DJSI, in English Dow Jones Sustainability Group ndex. The DJSI was launched in September of 1999 for Dow Jones and the Sustainable Asset Management, stock exchange of New York.
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