Nutrition seminar on 05.09.2009 with personal trainer Cecil Grigg in the dietetics is an unimaginable range of controversial views and opinions. Jonah Bloom may also support this cause. My goal is to give you a basic strength and security in this region, critical to various advertising and to be able to assess in practice. The goal of fat loss is subject to 100% of the diet. The views only of sport successes is vanishingly small. It is also connected with much effort. Waste no energy! You can burn fat throughout the day by an effective fat burning diet form. More effective as you would three hours jogging every day! You can your metabolism so strongly encourage on an individual diet, that you have to a true “Fettverbrennungsmaschiene” cars.

“With the new revolutionary diet don’t waste no time” from the United States that finally “promises success. If you would like to know more then you should visit Smoothstack. Learn better how the body hormonal on various food components sensitive, such as the complex fat actually by equip is how no muscles in the diet is lost etc… Most calorie-reduced diets reduced your muscles, go your metabolism “in the basement” and prevent even the fat burning by some food components! The yo-yo effect and the “problem areas” time not to mention… Only the break through many dogmas and the targeted approach in the long run effectively bring success! You know these or similar questions? What should I eat to burn fat throughout the day? After 19: 00 eat nothing at all, or? Why actually? Is it some 2 for my fat burning sports driving time per week? Why do I actually have a midday low and am always tired after a meal? Carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Included in? Distribution? What hormones respond to what nutrients? Food combining? Diets from magazines? Weight watchers? Low carb? What is it now? Where is the difference? Before breakfast sports? Starts the fat burning during endurance training really only after 45 minutes? I am really slim, my problem areas and want to but do not simply disappear! Also not with sports! What am I doing wrong? I eat so little on the day and getting fatter! Why? I can not eat less. In a seminar, I school your knowledge of conventional and unconventional diet of our time and settle all outstanding issues.

The seminar takes place on 05.09.2009 at 6: 00 in my personal training Studio. The maximum number of participants is 15 persons. Cost: 59 euro per person content of the seminar: weight / fat loss problem zones Jo Jo effect basic knowledge on food ingredients differential diagnosis different diets diabetes mellitus elevated cholesterol, blood glucose and triglyceride levels heart attack stroke civilization diseases practical implementation for everyday duration: approx. 3 hours registration: sign up under: binding to. You receive a registration confirmation.

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