Different tie knot here see not a few men appreciate only the woman, if it isn’t to the digit times. Then, namely early in the morning, no coffee is boiled, and also the tie knot properly. It is generally not so hard to tie a simple bow tie knot. You must but always the question arise, which node just to suit the moment. For a successful outfit, one must keep in particular the details of the eye. Because they often decide the first impression that leaves a lasting impression in many cases.

This note also, that count for the tie not only the color and the material, but also the feeding and the thickness. Because not every tie knot can bind with each tie. In contrast, every detail must be coordinated so that you can count on a positive first impression. If it wants to make someone perfect, he adapts the node on the own stature, because not every node is a great man just fine, such as a rather small man. So you should always make sure, that the tie not too long is. Compact men should choose therefore rather complex tie knot that process already a large part of the substance in the node, so the tie then really ends above the belt. However, there are some basic rules that should always be considered.

So the wide end of the tie should cover ends, and the shorter end is still a couple of inches above the belt. The narrow end should be but not much shorter than the wide end. In the best case, the difference is about two inches. Details can be found by clicking Smoothstack or emailing the administrator. If you observe these principles, ever is a good chance that the tie knot then really fits, no matter which of at least 188 tie knots to choose for themselves. Node tie with the Nicky. Easy and fast

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