One of the objections that most you’ll receive when you’re presenting your MLM opportunity, is not I have time, the majority of people use this objection to rid of any compromise, and not so much, you really don’t have time. If not, by that simply by who don’t want to get out of your comfort zone. This objection heard it a without number of times, if you do not you have never played it, I can assure you that you going to listen to, besides this phrase this wrong this, it is not that people do not have time, they all have time, if not rather, have no free time, their time are used for activities that they considered important, as going to play cards with friends the Thursday-all know that time is relative, we always have time for the things that interest us, and that is where this secrecy to correctly handle this objection, when you receive this objection to ask it may be more important to your prospect is willing to invest 2 hours of their time to the day, to start your own MLM business. Focus on convey to you your prospect that the only way to meet their goals more important is through starting their own MLM business, can affirm our prospect that if you don’t have free time, that’s the main reason to make an intelligent decision. One of the strategies that work best, is the tell your prospect, I is as your you feel, I when I saw this opportunity for the first time, I felt like that tu, thought that I had time, however, I did not realize, that if what I wanted, they were different results in my lifestyle, it would have to do different things, and that includes making an extra. The difference between ordinary distributors and the extraordinary is just that little extra that are always willing to give. A call again, you can make a difference in your business. Well, there’s a lot about how to handle this objection will continue writing more on this important topic. Have a great day Juan Hernandez Original author and source of the article
Filed under: General