University of East Carolina University East Carolina (ECU) is a public university located in Greenville, North Carolina, in the United States of America. The university is the third institution of higher education the state’s largest and the second largest state east of Raleigh, also is the fastest growing in the system at the University of North Carolina. The General Assembly North Carolina created the East Carolina University on March 8, 1907 as a normal school and designated the host city of Greenville on July 2, 1908. The university began classes in 1909.Although the university has historically been recognized for its focus on the areas of education, nursing, administration, arts and medicine, it offers over a hundred races of study among those found mathematics, tourism, engineering, construction, computing, physiology, political science and social work. The name of Normal School East Carolina (East Carolina Teachers Training School, ECTTS) was changed to Normal College East Carolina (East Carolina Teachers College, ECTC) by 1907, which eventually changed by the University of East Carolina (East Carolina University, ECU) in 1967. The change in name reflected the change in its mission, which originally consisted of education and training teachers for North Carolina, especially those of the state’s eastern region. Currently, the university continues to serve the community in eastern North Carolina with more services.The Brody School of Medicine (Brody School of Medicine) provides medical assistance to the population suffering from poverty in the region.
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