Any web-page contains certain standard elements that are mandatory components of every resource the Internet. Certainly, the range and number of such objects may vary the thematic focus of the site, the volume of published material on it, as well as the goals and objectives, which set itself the creator of the resource. The arrangement of these elements, the design of their mutual location and is one of the main objectives of web-master. The first element of web-pages, which we have to consider is its title. It can be done in text or graphical form, but in this and in Otherwise it should be placed at the top of the document. Sometimes combined with the title selection menu Cyrillic encoding and keys to jump from Russian to English version of sai-that if this web-resource is represented in two languages. Directly subtitle of the document, as a rule, is the space reserved for placing an advertising banner. If you would like to know more about Mike Gianoni, then click here.

The inclusion of a banner at the top of this web-page in most cases is a prerequisite for registering a site in banner exchange services – systems that promote resource that you created in exchange for displaying on the pages of your site advertising banner exchange network of other participants. The standard size banners, published under the title of the document is typically 468×60 pixels. If you have a static page layout principle, the width of the header of your document will be approximately 640 pixels: this value is due, above all, the need to ensure proper display of the document on monitors with a screen resolution of 640×480 pixels and avoid horizontal scroll bars, which made it difficult to view. Obviously, the width of the banner in this case is much smaller than the width of the header, so in that part of the page where you plan to take ad space, unallocated space is formed, which can be complete logo of the owner of this website or a link to the server, performing web-hosting.

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