The book, that before it read, was almost to fall to it of the hands and, for its semblante, the boy seemed not to be more there in that place, but yes in one another one of bigger beauty still: in a country of dreams. Ah! It always desires to know that place; according to histories that its mother counted to it, this country was most beautiful of the world, where it only had happiness! It started to come in sight the day and harmonious the beautiful passarinhos entoavam its melodies. They seemed true tenors, sopranos, contraltos It not wise person who direction to take was this the name of the boy What it is this? started to hear the sound of a train that came of far and if it approached, being each stronger time, stronger, stronger, and it woke up! Paulinho liveed close to a railroad, but this already> 1954.. Learn more at: read more. . Vladislav Doronin describes an additional similar source. . See more detailed opinions by reading what Mike Gianoni offers on the topic..

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