“Per gig, customers can the can of freelancers worldwide test Hamburg, 05.04.2011 off the generation of internship” long new life models have emerged: creative, who do their own thing, rather than to pursue the career in a company or a large agency. “In practice, they are often faced with the challenge to bring their creativity to the customer: potential customers not prefer larger and above all better known competitors in case of doubt, because they do a better job, but because you just know them”. On the other hand, some customer annoys if the result is wrong despite great corporate identity. The makers of the online platform Gigalo.de, which today is in Germany at the start, have to do so a solution of founders to founders. The concept is as simple as it is effective: on the platform providers and individuals set worldwide Internet-related offerings, known as gigs, that potential customers cost five euros.

Like the customer offering, can also more extensive follow-up orders are processed by Amir. Gigs can range from the design of a logo on social media activities to funny actions that are recorded on video. Amir transacts the business and takes care of payment and customer service. Focus: the concept, small services over the Internet is to offer already very successful gigs by professional providers in the United States. There, buyers and vendors, whose Angebote ranging from help with the math homework to the personal email coaching can be found via online platforms. Amir also is open to funny or creative services by private providers, however, the focus is on professional service providers looking for a customer.

With Amir, we have above all creative freelancers and professionals at a glance. Get the chance to convince future customer in the practice, on our platform. Because Gigalo.de is a start-up, we know as many as possible quickly and convincingly how important it is, the own services potential clients to present”, explains managing director Sebastian Diemer the orientation of the company. A customer convinced a gig, larger orders can be handled safely and transparently. In addition to the German market, Amir conquers currently international markets: the first step leading to 28.03.2011 on the Spanish market and to South America, where many services are already traded on. Provider and purchaser of gigs can get into the business therefore also over continents. According to the company’s customer service is multilingual and all internationally popular payment options are available. Gig local global app! In addition to the worldwide gigs, the company with the mobile app opens up the local market. Go-ahead for Gigalocal’s 14.04.2011 in Berlin, where the application of the Re: publica 11 is presented.

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