Today making easy money with a Blog is a very simple and viable way to start making money on the internet, that’s why I decided to make this article where I explain step by step how to make money with a Blog. 1) Thinks about the topic that you want for your East Blog is a very important step before creating a Blog. We can truly make a Blog of anything, but for those who seek to make money online a Blog through us is relevant to choose popular themes. For example: money, cars, health, etc once we have found a popular topic that pleases us; We are going to Google and we seek our topic, we should see some ads sponsored by Google, but not see them then think of another topic and repeats the process. (2) Think of a good domain name for your Blog the Blog name must be related to the subject that is dealt with in the same and at the same time short and sexy. For example, if the Blog were health name might be, or discuss business could be NegociosRentables, IdeasNegocios, or simply business. In the end, be creative. (3) Make your ideas a reality now is time to think that platform is what you will use.
I recommend to use Blogger or you install WordPress on some free server with PHP and MySql. With Blogger, you can create a Blog quite fast; so it’s quite convenient, but you arriezgas to that deleted your Blog where you’ve missed in the more minimum to their terms of use. (4) Thinks as you’re going to monetize the Blog this is a step very important, what you should do is to think which is going to make your main source of income. There are many ways to monetize a Blog; what I recommend is Adsense, but you can also generate revenue through affiliate programs, selling advertising space in your blog, or by writing reviews about other products. (5) By choosing a design for the Blog it is important not to stay with the default designs with those who come to the Blog, and find some design according to the theme that try your Blog. I recommend use simple, and designs with white backgrounds, designs that highlight the contents of the Blog since in my experience these are those that produce the largest amount of money. (6) Writing the first post the first post does not have to be long and elaborate.
Actually the only thing you need to do at this time is to write a short post featuring you and explaining the issues that you trataras in your Blog. After that I recommend as a minimum publish a post long per week, and in any way publish more than one post per day. (7) Positioning advertising advertising should be in places more visible on our Blog, since that is through her that we will win money. The places are always visible above the main content within the content pincipal, under the main content, and the navigation bar. Advertising must be located in one of those places. (8) Informing the Blog for to publicize your Blog what you should do is send the address to the major search engines as they would be Yahoo, Google, or MSN. Then it would be fantastic that you aumentaras the visibility of the Blog put a link to it where possible.
Filed under: General