JOSE BRECHNER In an article published in Switzerland for the ISN Security Watch signed by Sam Logan, the author indicates that the democracy in Bolivia is not eroding as they point some observers, but is alive, healthful and vibrant. It comments about the successful call to the Autonomic Referendum and the Constituent Assembly, like great advances in the system with which Evo Morales is it jeopardize . Logan seems to forget that from the first day in which the indigenistas assumed the power, the executive is governing by decree eluding to the legislative power, imposing authoritarian measures Populists. It says that it is certain that Morals maintain narrow bonds with Castro and Chvez, but that is focused in governing its own country. It adds that, He speaks to the Bolivians first and unlike Chvez, does not spend long time worrying about the great socialist agenda in the Americas .
If Morals speak only to the Bolivians it is because does not have the preparation to do it with a greater hearing, nor either there are many no ready to listen to it aside from its those in favor. One does not worry about the continental agenda, because as soon as it can absorb the events clumsily local, less still the international. It only repeats what listening of Chvez in its speeches. When it assumes an own position, it must retract by the attention calls that receive from its foreign advisers, who in fact are their heads and the true governors of Bolivia. Logan says that his more undemocratic attitude was the nationalization of its power resources that were made with style and force for the domestic public, does not stop the international reporters. Then, everything what Evo does is for internal consumption, but with outer repercussions. Its estatizacin, with unnecessary troops, was its letter of presentation and, the reporters in spite of Logan – they are exactly for denouncing its acts.
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